20 Red Lights

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We’re a Production Service Company based in Milan. We produce films and photos for local and worldwide clients. We take care of all aspects of production: budgeting, accounting, crew&equipment, set design, casting, scouting, locations, permits, Covid-19 protocols, transport and any logistic need, liaison assistance with local authorities, etc.

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We have serviced lots of commercials and marketing shoots, TV Series, TV Shows, documentaries and events.

20 Red Lights is an exclusive partner of the Production Service Network, operating in the whole world, and can therefore give advice on international productions.

This partnership give us the mutual opportunity to be involved in big international projects and to receive the best shooting support abroad.

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  • Trustworthywe will deliver you the best assistance and the best crew to follow your project, saving you time and delivering the results you asked for;
  • Superb network of contactswe know where to find the best service providers;
  • Fast to respondwe get involved in the project as soon as the brief comes up, and can deliver a first ball park very quickly;
  • Excellent case historyour reel speaks for us, we operate in order to guarantee the highest quality;
  • Flexible  – we work on every level, from the smallest project to the biggest: it doesn’t matter how big is your project, we will follow you with all the Italian passion we’re capable of;
  • Premium service – tailored on your needs.


[sr-spacer size=”small”][columnsection wrapper=”wrapper” layout=”one-half;one-half” spacing=”spaced-normal” class=”” id=””][col size=”one-half”][sr-teammember name=”LUCA DE ANGELIS” title=”Founder/Executive Producer” image=”https://20redlights.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Luca.jpg” layout=”belowimage” facebook=”” behance=”” dribbble=”” twitter=”” google=”” instagram=”” youtube=”” vimeo=”” tumblr=”” linkedin=”” vk=”” soundcloud=”” website=”” mail=””]

Born and raised in Milan with more than 20 years of experience firstly as Production Manager, then as Line Producer for projects shooting all over the world principally for Italian production companies. The experience gained abroad helped me to understand that the client is truly satisfied when he is able to work with familiar methods, even thousands of miles from home.

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[/sr-teammember][/col][col size=”one-half” last=”last-col”][sr-teammember name=”SILVIA PROSSIMO” title=”Producer” image=”https://20redlights.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Silvia-2.jpg” layout=”belowimage” facebook=”” behance=”” dribbble=”” twitter=”” google=”” instagram=”” youtube=”” vimeo=”” tumblr=”” linkedin=”” vk=”” soundcloud=”” website=”” mail=””]

Born and raised in Milan, I have always worked in the organizational field and press offices, for events in art galleries and museums. Since 1995 I’ve been working as production assistant for commercials in Italy and abroad, with particular attention to productions with British, French and American directors. My organizational skills, discipline and self-control make me an “atypical Italian” but they are offset by an open, sunny personality, always very empathetic towards others and focused on finding the best solution to problems, and an optimistic view of things.The most precious things to me are not “things”: family, friends, feelings, nature and life. A smile is always worth it, every single day.

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[/sr-teammember][/col][col size=”one-third”][sr-teammember name=”GIOVANNA ROCCHETTI” title=”Administration Department” image=”https://20redlights.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Giovanna.jpg” layout=”belowimage” facebook=”” behance=”” dribbble=”” twitter=”” google=”” instagram=”” youtube=”” vimeo=”” tumblr=”” linkedin=”” vk=”” soundcloud=”” website=”” mail=””]

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[/sr-teammember][/col][col size=”one-third” last=”last-col”][sr-teammember name=”CLAUDIA ROMEO” title=”New Business & Communication” image=”https://20redlights.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Claudia.jpg” layout=”belowimage” facebook=”” behance=”” dribbble=”” twitter=”” google=”” instagram=”” youtube=”” vimeo=”” tumblr=”” linkedin=”” vk=”” soundcloud=”” website=”” mail=””]

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